good business does good
We deliver food that is responsibly produced, environmentally sound, inspected and certified
As a vertically integrated organization, we’re involved in every step, from farm to shelf. We connect growers to distributors, and ultimately, consumers. Our certification and commitment to “good” growing touches upon every aspect of our supply chain, from nursery to grocery. This means that from field to pallet, you are guaranteed not only the finest quality produce that GreenPath Food Partner Farms have to offer, but that all boxes are checked for food safety, transparency, environmental protection, and more. The attention to detail at each step multiplies our impact and transforms the food system, one farmer at a time.
sustainability: good for you
Our nutritious foods are naturally-grown and fully traceable, so quality is guaranteed. GreenPath Food has joined a global network of producers and suppliers who are growing and selling food sustainably per Global Good Agricultural Practice (GLOBALG.A.P.) standards. In practice, this means that with each delivery, we guarantee: Food that is environmentally sound and safe, supported by detailed records back to the farm, documentation, and regular training and audits. We integrate farming practices that protect the environment and promote biodiversity.
SOCIAL EQUITy: good for farmers
We help farmers grow and increase their yields of high-value products for the export market, and commit to purchasing them at fair prices. As further commitment to demonstrating our values, we’ve registered on the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange platform (SEDEX). There, we connect with other buyers and suppliers who are passionate about publishing their ethical and social standards, and who commit to continuous monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. We recognize that infusing ethical practices into the global supply chain begins on the farm, and welcome the responsibility of sending that train into motion.
environment: good for the planet
The farms in our network use biodynamic and regenerative farming techniques that improve long-term soil health. They plant perennials that sequester carbon, and use techniques such as crop rotation and integrated pest management, not conventional chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. We renewed our EU Organic certification, in the face of stricter policies that were enacted in 2019. With a complex supply chain driven by smallholder farmers, we are proud to produce food that is free from synthetic fertilizers and chemicals, responsibly uses energy and natural resources, and improves soil quality.
investment & innovation: good for generations
We embed innovation into our supply chain by using technology to improve everything from agricultural yields to product shelf-life. Solar energy powers irrigation pumps and our packhouse, reducing reliance on the electrical grid and fossil fuels. We support and teach farmers techniques to weather unexpected climate events, and provide ongoing advising and training. Our Farmers’ success is our success. We are proud that our business model of connecting smallholder farmers to global markets means that farmers earn year-round, sustained, and improved incomes. Read more about our Farmers here.